Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Who Cares?"

As I was waiting patiently in the checkout line at the grocery store I couldn't help but notice the ridiculous amount of gossip magazines. All with a different cover and different version of the same celeberity gossip. "Who's too thin?", "Who's too fat"?, "Who is sleeping with someone elses significant other", and "Who is headed to divorce court!" I mean really, who cares??? As I struggle daily with my own weight issues I guess it takes some of the sting out to know that I'm not the only one but honestly there is no way that I'm gonna spend hard earned cash just read about someone elses woes. I have come to realize that I probaly will never have the abs of Janet Jackson ( the ones she showed of on the cover issue of Vibe 2006). But as I struggle with my 20 min. workout video that I do the first 5 min (the warm up) and sit and watch the rest all the while telling my self "YOU CAN DO THIS", seeing someone elses cottage cheese thighs plastered on a national media isnt cool. I really feel for Christy Alley who lost and regained her weight very publicly, and I guessed she asked for it by making her weight loss public, but when she regained the weight the media crucified her by plastering very unfavorable pics of the woman. She is human and her atempt to win the weight war was short lived. So What? Is this news? Is this worth the $4.99 ? I say hell no! Its her problem and her business. Whatever the size of her azz, I could care less. It doesn't affect my way of living at all. I'm still just as fat as I was before seeing the tasteless cover reporting of her ups and downs. Is it really necessary to drag evey litte askpect of a celebs life through a microscope. Why aren't they entitled to live privately? Just because they are in the entertainment business does that mean that everything about them somehow has some entertinment value? Of course the magazines and shows dedicated to reporting media downfalls (much more the accomplishments) thinks that it is. I still say "who cares?" I personally could do without.

Go to to see Janets abs


  1. I agree with you! I feel so bad for Christy Alley as well. People love reading about celebrity gossip because it makes them feel better about themselves. When you have people making millions that are supposedly happy as ever, but than find out their significant other is cheating on them. Its just a comfort thing. So many people read those magazines, I have to admit, I am one of them.
    The issue about weight loss. You cant stare at someone like Janet Jackson's abs, although they are probably very nice. All images in those magazines are photoshopped. That software can make anyone look amazing. You just have to have the right state of mind, and love yourself for who you are.
    All in all, I do agree with you. Celebrities should still be entitled to privacy, just as we are. :)

  2. I feel the exact same way. Nowadays, too mnay people judge people for how they look instead of the content of their character. Being beautiful has it pluses, but beauty only lasts so long until it fades and one day none of us will be as beautiful as we were before. I used to have an issue with my weight and I was a diet and exercise fanatic. Then one day I tuned into Oprah and saw a very interesting story. A 21-year-old model was in a car accident and her face was completely disfigured. She never thought that one day her beauty would be damaged and it faded sooner then she expected. Who you are in terms of character and intelligence is what really defines us as people not how much we weigh, or how big our boobs are. Today's society values beauty too much that is why so many women would rather be beautiful with perfect bodies instead of intelligent, good hearted individuals.

  3. In a way, I agree on what you said. Celebrities are humans being just like us, trying to make a living. Sometimes gossip magazine do tend to take it far, but when you think about it if you don't want to be followed around by the paparazzi, you should have chosen a better profession such as a nurse, accountant, lawyer, etc. Gossip magazines won't be in business unless we as consumers keep on buying them. People love to gossip, it is simply human nature. People in the entertainment business knew what they got into when they became famous, this is what they do for a living.

  4. This is very true. Most of the pictures in the magazines of the "too fat" women are simply women with healthy bodies. And the "too thin" women were probably spurned on to become so by the vicious comments said about the healthy sized women.

  5. I agree 100%. I dont understand why people would find it amusing to keep up with whats going on in people lives that they would probably never meet. I wonder do people ever think that these people dont like thier every move watched and reported.
