Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Traffic Pet Peeve

Why is it that every time it snows people forget how to drive??? It snows every winter and sometimes in the spring in Chicago. So why is it that people who have lived here all of there lives cant seem to remember how to navigate the roads when there is a little snow on them? Every time it snows traffic gets so screwed up, it takes hours for what would normally be a 20 minute trip. I just don't understand it.

The other day, when it snowed a little, I had am exam to take. Knowing that traffic would be slow I left an hour early. Unfortunately an hour wasn't enough time, it took nearly a half hour to reach a turnaround point which normally takes 5 to 7 minutes. It was at this point I decided to reschedule my exam because it was clear that I would never make it on time.

Come on people, its something that happens every year, several times a year, around the same time of year. How long does the learning curve need to be? I get that everyone needs to add a little extra time for travel in bad weather conditions, but having to add hours is a bit ridiculous. If we all could slow down a little and be a little more courteous to other drivers maybe we could cut down on the traffic backups and everyone can reach their destination in a timely matter.

Butt Outt !!

Recently I was watching an entertainment news program. Normally I don’t watch the crap but since I was being held hostage in the dentists’ waiting room without a remote I had no choice. Let just explain how painful it is for me to watch this stuff. In my own special way of thinking, I know many if not most people disagree with me; the personal and private lives of others just isn’t interesting to me. I believe that if I am not personally involved somehow then it’s just not important and I really don’t need to know.

On this particular program, a man was asked several times by three different people if he was a virgin. He tried to be polite and side step the intrusive question, but they just would not let go, like a dog with a bone. Here is the problem I have with this; first, why would you care if a grown man is a virgin or not, second, what give anyone the right to pry into someone else’s personal business especially on national tv, and third its none of your business unless you are having sex with him at which point you would know the answer.

After being polite and still being disrespected with a barrage of intrusive questions he finally told them all to go f**k themselves and walked off. Personally I applaud him for answering such poor questions with such a great response. Now the show has spent his reaction into him having anger management problems. I guess that I should sign up for the classes too because I don’t think that my response would have been much different.

It is really sad that people (celebrities) are exploited for the entertainment of others. Why can’t people just be happy with the entertainment that they are paid to give and just but out of things that are none of their business?

Monday, February 15, 2010


A post was made to Angie's Blog on Jan.24, 2010 about mistaken identity


I posted a comment to First time blogger edition .


I posted a comment on Ashley Pryor blogg about the iphone

Friday, February 12, 2010

Who Needs Cupid Anyway?

While driving home today I was channel surfing, trying to find something, anything worth listening too. I finally stopped on a station with a hot topic. A listener sent in a letter asking what should she do about her husband who want to go to the all star weekend with his boys instead of spending Valentines Day with her. This seemed to be a no brainer, at least it was for me. Honestly I’m not quite sure what an all-star weekend is all about, I'm guessing it has something to do with sports. I could careless when it comes to sports, so I'm not sure of how big of a deal it is to go. I imagine it is up there with the supper bowl (not sure who won that either).

She states in her letter that they had plans to spend a romantic day together at the hotel with the candles and the lingerie etc., but he now he wants to cancel and go with his friends. She also states that he would make it up to her next weekend, that they would do everything that was planed and more.

So what’s the problem? What is the big issue about Valentines Day? Valentines Day is just a commercial holiday invented to create revenue by selling cards that profess everlasting love and candy that makes you fat (if it’s the good kind) and flowers that somehow double in price just for this one particular day.

Let the man go to all-star weekend! And let his guilt pay for your expensive spa treatment while he is away and when he returns show your husband that everyday is Valentines Day as long as you are with someone you love.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I posted a response to Ashley Pryor blog about marriage, titled My Thoughts

Friday, February 5, 2010

Who Needs To Know?

Unless you are one of the alleged mistresses or the wife of the cheating husband why would the affairs off Tiger Woods, S.C. Governor Mark Sanford or former senator John Edwards be of any concern for the public? Yes these people either holds a public office or is a public sports figure but does that mean that every aspect of their life should be public knowledge? Is it not already painful enough for the wives to have been betrayed but they also have to deal with a very personal matter in a public forum. These women deserve their husbands to be faithful; since that didn’t happen don’t they at least deserve some dignity and be able to address their marital problems in private. I hear comments such as “the public want to know”, “the public has a right to know”. I believe that it couldn’t be farther from the truth. What the public needs to know is if these men are doing their jobs well, not the women they’re doing. Especially Tiger, does it matter who he sleeps with as long as he can still hit the little white ball? As for the senator and governor I guess you can argue that their judgment may be impaired but if it does not affect the job it shouldn’t be an issue that is dramatized in the media. The wives were hurt and the media continues to pick at the wound all for the sake of informing the public. Maybe just maybe the public doesn’t need to know everything.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Duggars Do It Again

Somebody please tell me why having a baby is news worthy. Ok, I get it if you’re the first to give birth @ midnight on January first, or if under some strange event such as in the back seat of a police car while being arrested. Those events earn an honorable mention. Women give birth every single day so why is it so fascinating to people for a woman who has now had her 19th child. Personally, I could care less. As long as I'm not part of the feeding, changing dippers or babysitting duties she can have as many as she can pop out. I get that Octo-mom was one of the few if not the only woman who has had 8 babies at one time. Yes that was news worthy, but it was blown way out of proportion. She outlived her fifteen minutes of fame as soon as the babies went home. Yet the media still splashes her on the tube whenever they get a chance. She is working out and can now wear a bikini. The question they seem to want answered most is did she have plastic surgery? I want to know if she is working to feed all those kids and not abusing the welfare system, after all those are my tax dollars at work. At the time of birth she didn’t have any means of support. At least the Duggars are self-supporting. Still why would any one care that they now have 19 kids. Reality TV sucks if this is the best that they can come up with. This is not news.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Who Cares?"

As I was waiting patiently in the checkout line at the grocery store I couldn't help but notice the ridiculous amount of gossip magazines. All with a different cover and different version of the same celeberity gossip. "Who's too thin?", "Who's too fat"?, "Who is sleeping with someone elses significant other", and "Who is headed to divorce court!" I mean really, who cares??? As I struggle daily with my own weight issues I guess it takes some of the sting out to know that I'm not the only one but honestly there is no way that I'm gonna spend hard earned cash just read about someone elses woes. I have come to realize that I probaly will never have the abs of Janet Jackson ( the ones she showed of on the cover issue of Vibe 2006). But as I struggle with my 20 min. workout video that I do the first 5 min (the warm up) and sit and watch the rest all the while telling my self "YOU CAN DO THIS", seeing someone elses cottage cheese thighs plastered on a national media isnt cool. I really feel for Christy Alley who lost and regained her weight very publicly, and I guessed she asked for it by making her weight loss public, but when she regained the weight the media crucified her by plastering very unfavorable pics of the woman. She is human and her atempt to win the weight war was short lived. So What? Is this news? Is this worth the $4.99 ? I say hell no! Its her problem and her business. Whatever the size of her azz, I could care less. It doesn't affect my way of living at all. I'm still just as fat as I was before seeing the tasteless cover reporting of her ups and downs. Is it really necessary to drag evey litte askpect of a celebs life through a microscope. Why aren't they entitled to live privately? Just because they are in the entertainment business does that mean that everything about them somehow has some entertinment value? Of course the magazines and shows dedicated to reporting media downfalls (much more the accomplishments) thinks that it is. I still say "who cares?" I personally could do without.

Go to to see Janets abs